Simon Says Game.
- Jul 21, 2024
- 35
Rock-Paper-Scissors project is a very helpful project for beginners who want to become web developers or Javascript developers in the future.
The JavaScript Project rock-paper-scissors game compares user and computer selections and determines the winner of each round. The scores are updated, and the outcome—a victory, defeat, or draw—is shown following each click.
How to Design a Rock-Paper-Scissors:
Start with a basic HTML file. Create three choices for users: "rock," "paper," and "scissors." a scoreboard for displaying the score of the game and a message container for displaying messages for the user.
Use CSS to style the scoreboard and message container. To center the body and images on the page, add some styling.
Once the layout is created, we need to create JavaScript file, Create two score variables, userscore and compscore, and select HTML elements choice, message, userscore, and compscore, and create drawGame() a function for handling a draw game, the ShowWinner() function for determining and displaying the winner, the getcomputerChoice() function for randomly selecting between "rock," "paper," and "scissors" for the computer, and the playgame() function for handling game logic, and then add eventlistener to add a click event listener to each of the choice buttons (rock, paper, scissors). This is how you can create its basic structure, and to download the source code, click on the download button given below.
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